Sunday 23 January 2011

1st Team Meeting 23-01-2011

Site Visit (Joe Perkins, Eve Taylor, Finn Lawson [Siobhan Gallagher was unable to attend due to travel problems])

A Site boundary was established.

We then conducted a walk around the site boundary in order to establish S.W.O.T characteristics.

This also resulted in a change to the proposed boundary due to the large amount of redevelopment that has occured at the 'More London' development site.

And tasks were set to be achieved by 28th January:
Joe -
  1. Produce CAD mastermap
  2. Produce map showing site access and traffic flow through the site
  3. Collate photgraphs of site taken during site visit to illustrate SWOT analysis
Eve -
  1. Produce SWOT analysis map on CAD mastermap base, from discussions on site.
Finn -
  1. Produce mastermap of site to be scanned on 28th
  2. Download historic Digimap of site
  3. Gather information on sites of historic importance within the site
  4. Set up Blogger account
Notes and SWOT analysis from site visit


Blog Entry: Joe,Finn & Eve

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